The Medlar Specialist
The Book
Medlars, Growing and Cooking will tell you everything I know (which seems to be quite a lot) about growing and using the wonderful medlar.
The book has a wealth of recipes, both savoury and sweet, some from other well known cooks and food writers, as well as those created in my own kitchen.
It includes a comprehensive guide to care of your medlar tree, and information about the origins of this fascinating fruit.
A perfect gift for any medlar owner.
Available to pre-order online, from all good bookshops or direct from Prospect Books.
Published 20th April
“At last: the book about medlars. This beautifully written hymn to that most under-appreciated fruit covers everything from its history to the inventive, delicious recipes that will have you making the most of its unique and special flavour. An essential read for those with a foot in the kitchen or the garden.”